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Digital Product Manual
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Module 1: Change Your Mentality
Module 2: Make + Launch your First Product
Starting (24:14)
Where to sell
Module 3: Use Data to Make Products that Sell
Audience data
Sales data
Public data
Module 4: Create a Website that Converts (Part 1)
Platforms you can use
Your brand language
Using your brand language to structure your site
Module 4: Create a Website that Converts (Part 2)
Turning your site into a well-oiled machine
Email funnels
Module 5: Scale with Ads + Marketing (Part 1)
Intro to Digital Advertising
Using Data
Design + Copy
Module 5: Scale with Ads + Marketing (Part 2 – Facebook Ads)
Intro to Facebook Ads
Creating Custom Audiences
Creating Traffic + Conversion Ad Campaigns
Module 5: Scale with Ads + Marketing (Part 3 – Pinterest Ads)
Intro to Pinterest Ads
Creating Custom Audiences
Creating a Traffic Ad Campaigns
Module 6: Practicing Success
Practice Success + Closing
Teach online with
Email funnels
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